hot spot


hot spot

in-paikka, eloisa paikka, -kerho, paikka, geografinen alue, maantieteellinen alue, kuuma piste, levottomuuspesäke, pesäke, kohta.

Rimmaavat sanat

hot spot rimmaa näiden kanssa:

pohjatiedot, luottotiedot, alkeistiedot, perustiedot, yhteystiedot, säätiedot, henkilötiedot, aselepoehdot, sopimusehdot, pidot...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

hot spot (englanti > suomi)

  1. ruutitynnyri, kriisipesäke

  2. laskeuma-alue

  3. menomesta

  4. kuuluvuusalue

  5. kuuma kohta, kuuma piste

hot spot englanniksi

  1. A place notable for a high level of activity or danger.

  2. (quote-book)|year=2010|page=154|isbn=978-0-674-04822-5|passage=For instance, Toronto's Bloor Street Viaduct was, alas, a suicide hotspot – in fact, it was second only to the Golden Gate Bridge in terms of the number of bridge-related suicides.

  3. (quote-journal)|date=27 November 2013|passage=I might never have learned my name or met my birth family if I hadn't ended up in the hospital in Rhode Island in 2007, after traveling to a trifecta of malaria hotspots: Mali, Egypt and Colombia.

  4. A dangerous place of violent political unrest.

  5. An area of radioactive contamination.

  6. A lively and entertaining place, such as a nightclub.

  7. puhekieltä A part of an application that consumes a significant amount of execution time.

  8. puhekieltä Part of a control that responds dynamically as the user moves the pointer over it, as for example in an image map.

  9. puhekieltä A location in which WiFi Internet access is available.

  10. puhekieltä The region of a gene in which there is higher than normal rate of mutation.

  11. puhekieltä The surface manifestation of a plume that rises from deep in the celestial body's mantle.
